FDLRS provides assistance and support in the appropriate use of a variety of technologies for students, teachers, professional staff, and parents. Support services are available in the areas of assistive technology, instructional technology, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), AIM/NIMAS Florida services, and virtual/online instruction.
The Technology Specialists at all of the 18 local FDLRS Associate Centers also collaborate with the MTSS Technology and Learning Regional Technology Specialists and district-based Assistive Technology Specialists. TLC-MTSS also offers a statewide assistive technology loan library (AT & UDL Loan Library).
Instructional Technology vs. Assistive Technology
Instructional technology is utilized to help teach skills or content. Assistive technology helps increase functional capabilities of students.
What is Assistive Technology?
Assistive technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities. Assistive technology helps people who have difficulty speaking, typing, writing, remembering, pointing, seeing, hearing, learning, walking, and many other things. Different disabilities require different assistive technologies.
We are pleased to assist with any technology-related need for students with disabilities to be able to communicate, access the curriculum, and show what they know.